It has long been rumored that Samsung is going to introduce iris recognition in its mobile devices and a few weeks ago it released a tablet for the government and businesses in India that features an iris scanner. It’s also more or less confirmed that the Galaxy Note 7 is going to have an iris scanner onboard. Samsung has been working on this biometric technology for some time now and a new patent filed by the company details its multi-camera iris recognition system.
The patent on this Samsung invention is still pending, it details that the system may generate an image signal by capturing images of the face and eyes of the user and that it uses three lenses to capture the image signal before checking the iris of the user based on the image generated. It also looks at other factors before providing access to the device. The patent also notes that if the system does not recognize the person trying to access the device it will issue a voice message guiding them to retry the iris scan. Even though the Galaxy Note 7 is likely to be the first consumer device from Samsung to feature this technology the patent mentions that the iris scanning system may be used in a laptop computer, a wearable computer, an Internet of Things device, a tablet, and other products.
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